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School Information

Name of the School with Address Montfort Senior Secondary School
Bankatwa,  P.O.Bagaha – 845 101
West Champaran (Dist), Bihar
Phone: 06251 226503
Year of establishment of school 02-05-2005
Whether NOC from State/UT or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained? Bihar State
Noc No. : 1079
Noc issuing date :30/11/2011
Is the school is recognized, if yes by which authority? Secretary, Bihar
Madhyamik Siksha Board, Patna
Status of affiliation Provisional
Affiliation No. : 330507
Affiliation with the Board since 2013
Extension of affiliation upto 31st March 2026
Name of Trust/Society/Company Registered under Section 25 of the Company Act, 1956. Period upto which Registered of Trust/Society is valid Brothers of St. Gabriel Education Society
Name and official address of the Manager/President/Chairman/Correspondance:
Bro. Herman Bijay Lakra
Provincial Superior
Montfort Niwas
St. Joseph’s school Campus
P.O. Kanke, Ranchi – 834006
Area of School Campus 3.25 Acres Built up area (sq. mtrs.) : 3100 sqmtr.
Area of Playground in sq. mtrs : 7000 sqmtr.Other Facilities : 
Swimming Pool : No
Indoor games : yes
Dance rooms : yes
Gymnasium : no
Music rooms : yes
Hostels : No
Health and Medical Check up : yes
Transport facility Own buses :
Buses hired on contract basis : yes
Mode of payment of salary Name of bank through whinch salary is drawing : Central Bank of India
Through single cheque transfer advice : Yes
Library facilities Size of the library in sq. feet :1056
No. of Periodicals: 5
No. of Dailies : 3
No. of reference books class-wise : 3500
Name of grievance/redressal officer with email, ph. no., fax no Bro. Sudhakar Reddy
Cell: 7543033550
Members of sexual harassment committee Mrs. Swati Silvia, Miss. Shalini, Miss. Vandana and Mr. Vivek Kumar
Academic session period from April to March
Vacation period from May to June